Sunday, August 24, 2008

Conshocken Lovin'

Last Wednesday I took my sister to college. I didn't know that visiting my good old Bloomin Alma Mater would effect me so emotionally! I fell in love with the Bloomsburg campus for the second time in my life. I walked around looking at the interesting and beautiful buildings, admiring the places to sit and just had an overwhelming feeling that THIS was the place for me.

Though walking around, I suddenly identified this feeling and love for an area as the feeling I feel for Conshohocken. I think I could be a lifer here in good ol' conshy. I love that we are sort of isolated by a big road and a river. You can walk almost everywhere and everywhere else is only 5-14 minutes away. One word: Scoops. It just seems like such a town's town. I love all of the traditions where everyone from the grandmothers to the college kids renting town houses participate in. As I continue forward into my adult life, I look forward to many more wonderful years in Conshohocken.


Unknown said...

My kids are Scooped out from all the ice cream. It's too tempting when you only live 2 blocks away to walk up there every night :)

Spencer said...

I can't believe we haven't been there this summer. We're lame.

BTW - I've lived in Conshy for 13 years now. Seen it become cool. I love being in the middle of where it's happening. We're probably going to move out in the next year or so. I'll miss it - it's like living a city neighborhood with the city hassle.
