Sunday, September 28, 2008

Feeling Thankful

First off... listening to a song that is giving me chills... Sweet Disposition by the band Temper Trap. Really cool sound and dude's voice is very sexy and cool.

Had the most wonderful birthday weekend. I wouldn't have changed a thing. All my family, all my friends, dinners, lunches, and drinks. I know I say this often, but I have some amazing friends. So fun, so supportive and always down for a great time. It make me feel so lucky to know that my friends and even acquaintances are pulling for me in life. I have been very privileged so far in my life that things have gone mostly the way they should. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, the circumstances in my life are always happening for a reason and that is to make another part of my life that much better.

Thanks friends, Thanks family and Thanks to the person who carried my ass home and then cleaned up my apartment while I slept.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saying Goodbye to 26

As I prepare to leave 26 behind and embrace my late twenties, I think back on the year past. This year has been filled with triumphs such as starting my doctorate program but has also dealt me many hardships and disappointments. One amazing thing is that in my last week of being 26, some of the most recent annoyances have worked themselves out. So I am able to start my 27th year with a new start.

I can't wait to see what 27 has in store for me. Although I believe that you make opportunities, they are not given to you, I know only the best is yet to come.

See you soon 27!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Who wants to be a Craker?

Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

Holy smokes.... This is a beautiful book. Oryx and Crake is the second book that I have read by Margaret Atwood. The first book of hers that I read was the Handmaid's Tale. I loved that book and treasured it. I savored every word. I reread pages as to fully lap up her words. I was nervous to read this book because I was so enchanted by Margaret after the Handmaid's Tale.

I chose Oryx and Crake as my second Atwood read because I knew this book had dystopian elements in the plot and I know my own affection towards books about utopian or dystopian society. Oryx and Crake did NOT disappoint.

This book starts out slow because you have no idea where Margaret is going in the first few chapters. However, knowing the beauty of her other book, I stuck with it because I knew where it went was going to be wonderful.

Long story short: Snowman is the watcher of the Crakers. Crake is Jimmy's (Snowman) best friend growing up and Oryx... well that is a funny story so I will let Margaret tell you. Crake is a genius (leaning toward Aspergers Syndrome) and pretty much decides that he is going to rule the world. The book starts at the end of this dystopian fantasy and we flip flop between the story of Snowman and Jimmy as we learn how the Earth got to be in this disastrous state. The story is interesting, smart and keeps the interest of the reader. Again, I read this so slow because I wanted to savor the story.

Now I will be immersed in Communication Theories as per my doctorate class schedule requires but I think there is more Atwood in my future.

I highly recommend this book as well as the Handmaid's Tale. I will post my old review of that book a little bit later when I am feeling more up to par.

PS I liked this book so much I am thinking about naming children/pets after Orxy and Crake. Either or haha :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Getting ready to indulge in adult beverages

I read the following question and answer from the Belle & Sebastian website...

From: DaniQ .Hurry up and do something! tour, release an album, update the news section with something about a new album. you have been away for to long.

A. Somethings coming out pretty soon actually.
Stevie - 09/09/08

Holy hell and crackerjacks. Is it real? Are Belle & Sebastian putting out a new album? Well jee whiz... count this girl in. I might add some B&S to the power hour masterpiece I just made.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Do NOT burn after watching....

Last night, I went to see Burn After Reading. Here is my short but sweet review.

First off... I give it 4 out of 5 stars. PLEASE note, this is NOT an 8/10 but a 4/5. 8/10 sounds so much worse than 4/5. But I digress.

Plot: So weird and kooky but really intricate and excruciatingly funny. It's not even a plot that is easy to explain. The CIA get's rid of Cox citing a drinking problem. He then decides he would be a consultant and write a memior.... you know what? There isn't a point to attempting to describe the plot and still leave you wanting to see the movie (which you should). Key words: Gore, shock, disgust, sex, murder, adultery, vanity, stomach splitting lines and paranoia all in a dark comedy. If that sounds even MILDLY interesting... go to it.

Characters: Brad Pit annoys me JUUUST a little but I couldn't look my trainer in the eye without laughing and only barely overcame the huge urge to call him Chad. And Harry (George Clooney's Character) was wonderful. He played him with style and finesse. I was extremely impressed. Harry is a sex maniac, liar, paranoid and anxiety filled man. Yes... Clooney played him! And again... when on the treadmill today, I had to hold in the urge to text my movie going friend "Bet I can still get a run in". You have to see it to understand.

So go... see it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


The kids I teach were born after the September 11th tragedy. They have no idea about what happened on that fateful day. Not even a moment of silence at my school. In my opinion, there was not enough done by the media and towns to commemorate this day. 9/11 needs to be remembered. Yes, it's hard to see and remember. Yes, we have moved on as a country. But we need to be reminded that we are not invincible. We need to be reminded that we are a proud country. We need to be reminded that we should be a cohesive entity. A friend of mine and I had our own 9/11 memorial as we watched countless documentaries about that day. I hope we never forget the men and women that died on that day.

Currently Reading: Oryx and Crate by Margaret Atwood (Freakin awesome distopian society book)
Next Book: The Cell: Inside the 9/11 plot by John Miller
Then: only education books from now until next summer :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

oops she went there again....

You know there might be a problem if when you are on a date and walk into a conshohocken bar on a Friday night and the bouncer takes one look at you and says... OOOH I know you... go on in. And then proceeds to say to your date.. dude I don't need your ID either. If you're with her, you're good with me. I was a bit ashamed. Good thing my date was a good sport.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Random things I <3

I <3

- ra ra riot
- Thai food
- red wine
- my planner
- purple pens
- cuddling all night long
- swoopy sound effects in songs
- disco screaming
- my green couch
- my new red bag
- friends that you pretend to be close to but in fact you are still only grasping at strings
- birthdays
- restaurant week
- air from fans as long as it's not directed on my face
- the smell of books
- turtles
- re framing new pictures
- purging the old
- welcoming the new
- being me
- being the "weird" friend
- teaching
- learning
- loving
- sleeping


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kevin and Umbros

Well all... the day we've waited for for almost a year has finally arrived. Kevin Barnes has released his new song Id Engager (above for your listening pleasure). Mixed emotions occur as a result of this song. I am going to reserve absolute judgement until I hear the entire album. Although this song was obviously released as a single "leak" type of MP3, it might not make sense without the full understanding of the album. The song is a bit confusing and schizophrenic. It kind of goes between yelling about ninjas, to leftover disco screams from Hissing Faunas and then also to a wonderful song. I am hoping that, again, this song makes a little more sense in the context of the entire album. Goodness knows Sink the Seine (from Hissing Faunas) doesn't make total sense by itself unless you know where it is coming from and where it's going. On another note, looks like Kevin is over his heartbreak and is now writing about the large amount of hooha he got as a result of being an "indie star".

Umbros: I <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_6">umbros at the gym. He's new. He walked in with skinny jeans, a tight polo and some chucks. Then worked out in a grey little T and red (short) umbros... like late 80's style. He and I are going to be best friends.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Music To Come

Three albums I can't wait to get...

The Ting Tings - have wanted this for well over a month now and have been too lazy to get it. I need some girl rawk in my life. However, since I am so lackadaisical about getting it, maybe it's not meant to be.

Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer - Heard a few of these new songs and I can't WAIT to get this album. I just recently (in the past 3 months ) have fallen in love with the other Wolf Parade Album I have and I can't wait to get my ears on this little gem!

Ra Ra Riot - Heard about these people from A Rubber Door. This dude Spencer has recently played albums and I liked a few of the albums on his list so I thought I would give Ra Ra Riot a try and really am enjoying it.

I am a little excited for fall. Moving on from a tainted summer with a new bag, disgustingly ugly shoes that I love so much and new season of shows! (Prison Break season premier on NOW!) Yay!